April 25, 2007

            Our Second Annual Runathon was celebrated on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at Thomas Jefferson Park on First Ave. & 112 St. in Manhattan.  This great event was held in commemoration of my grandmother's birthday.  My grandmother was a Divine Gift to humanity by her never ending and tireless charitable deeds.  The charitable tradition was handed down to my mother and now to yours truly, myself.  The weather conditions were great - sunshine, pleasant temperatures and an energetic, all-winning attitude on the part of each and every young participant.  The New York Road Runners Foundation, namely the Executive Director, Cliff Sperber, worked in concert with our Foundation by showcasing this program with his children.  He is always commended by and for his talents, which score and E+ for excellence and fortitude.  The team received two well-deserved trophies.  Four restaurants donated a benevolent amount of pizza pies.  An overwhelming thank you to The Bread Factory located at 935 8th Ave., Luigi's Gourmet Grill located at 936 8th Ave., Mariella Pizza located at 960 8th Ave. and Ray's Pizza located at 856 8th Ave.  Wow!  This is what is called an inspirational love for our future generation.  Additionally, thank you's are in order to D'Agostino and Gristedes for their energizing drinks, crackers and snacks.  Last but not least, the Delancey Dessert Company with mouthwatering desserts, Fuji Film Company, Principal Business Enterprises.  The NYRR Foundation Coach, Gherman Martinez, was a great role model for the children and a determined gentleman to make sure that each and every child felt very proud of accomplishing a great mission for the day.  FDNY Battalion Chief Ginty of Battalion 12 and his group of terrific Fire Fighters showed up and proved that the best is at the forefront at all times.  Their motto should be "Live life on the straight path and always be genuine."  The glow in the Chief's eyes indicated the happiness that prevailed for one and all. 

            Our Dream Team Staff distributed the pizza, beverages and desserts.  The great Mohamed and Abbas Khalfan delivered the food and treats.  Reina Wolinsky was a delightful treat by making sure that everyone including onlookers enjoyed a memorable day and of course, our very own Johnsie Cruz, who made sure that every child left with a smile on their face.

            In essence, after so much preparation and challenge, I felt a sense of accomplishment for a successful, energizing day.  This time as on each and every occasion, I felt the celestial galaxy was the bright illuminating constellation, i.e. grandma and mom asserting, "a job well done."  We are known as the fastest growing Foundation in the nation.  This proves Mama Eve's theory, "Reach for a star and you will be blessed with a galaxy." TM   Well, Mom and Grammy, your reflections have set the stage for a successful year in 2007.