The Eve Fenton Love-All Foundation inspirational vision has produced a new dimension of quality care for disabled and impoverished children. This fast track vision is a premiere charity accomplishing five successful events in five months. Monumental success will ultimately change the destiny for all children. Our March 24, 2006 Jefferson Park Marathon Event showcased the New York Roadrunners Foundation program having worked in concert with our Foundation. The Finish Line Party was a memory of elation with 23 pizzas from two fabulous restaurants: Luigi's Italian Pizzeria, located at 910 8th Ave. and The Bread Factory at 935 8th Ave. and energy drinks, D'Agostino's supermarkets - treats beyond belief, t-shirts, water bottles and caps. Last and most important, the Fire Department displayed a fire truck with our best firemen and our banner specialists (Signs and Decal) displayed our Foundation banner. This great banner specialist, Mohammed Khalfan, volunteered his time to work with the Foundation at our event.

On Easter Sunday, April 16, 2006, our great sponsor, WB11 gave us 50 tickets to Shea stadium for a Mets game. Wow! What an Easter Sunday for our low-income children from the Queens community of Council Member Hiram Monserrate. The treats included a great lunch with Vitamin C drinks and desserts from the Delancey Dessert Company. American flags were provided by the All Suffolk Flag Company and banner and posters by Signs and Decal. An Easter to remember for a long time! At the event, a spectator summed up our Foundation in a few words, "You are like the number one Philadelphia cream cheese, you are so spreadable you are incredible!"

Mark this date on your calendar …July 3, 2006 … a 230th birthday event for our nation to be held at Ronald McDonald House for children and young adults battling cancer. Let us all join in by helping with a display of generosity to all these vulnerable children. The time is now to contribute to our children. Go to or call 212 465-2552. Our mailing address is The Eve Fenton Love-All Foundation, Inc. Grand Central Station P.O. Box 1258 New York, NY 10163

Our team will send the proper chemistry to our vulnerable society, today, tomorrow and always. The Foundation chapters cover the five boroughs, Long Island, Westchester County, New New Jersey, Ohio and we anticipate further expansion very shortly.

We thank the New York community for their persistence and assistance in making our Foundation the tower of power for all children. A unified city is better than "A Tale of Two Cities."