October 10, 2006
Our New Jersey Dream Team Chapter, working in concert with the Lord & Taylor Department Store, proved to be an extremely successful and promotional mission.
On October 10, 2006, the eve of Mama Eve's birthday, our Financial Advisor, William ("Bill") Dobrow showed that the New Jersey Chapter is a highly motivated entity with excellence in its corner. Ms. Yana Berkovich, the Lord & Taylor PR Executive displayed great potential and motivation with her expertise, which included style and grace. A very lovely trophy will be given to Ms. Jana for her untiring desire to help not only our charity, but also a large number of charities in the New York tri-state area. This trophy will hold a great humanitarian avenue of ultimate excellence navigating to the right course of success.
One large thank you to all of our chapters to make ten events in ten months a huge success. Additionally, one more event in the tenth month, on October 29, 2006 will make a total of eleven lucky and spectacular events. Many more memorable occasions are planned in the near future and thereafter.
God bless one and all for your outpouring of love for this vital humanitarian mission centering on our future generation. "Their future is our destiny."TM Let us all climb aboard this intrepid magic carpet to a monumental cornerstone in history.
Vicky Fenton
CEO & President